Contest update and another Ginature
The photo is a picture of a Ginature (hangs on the wall) that I made last year, it has lots of velvet. The voting for the contest is over (for now) and my inspirations animation made it into this week's finalist spot for the contest! This doesn't mean that my animation has won yet. What it means is that after 8 more weeks (and two more finalists chosen per week) there will be one more final round of voting (I believe near the end of December), so hang on to your passwords because when all the finalists are chosen I will go up against them one last time for that golden 20 thousand dollars, and of course it's you and your votes that decide if I will win. On that note I would like to thank all of you that voted and got me into this finalist round, it's truly amazing that I have your support and we both thank you so much. I'm a finalist, hooray!! I couldn't have done this without you. I'll let you know when the final round begins, and thank you so much!!! If you want to read about my MRI results from my multiple sclerosis click here. And check out my Tangerine Dream. XO ~ Gina