Monday, September 25, 2006

Bear with me!

Bear with me friends and family - I'm busy trying to churn out a new animation that has a deadline of Oct 1. I'll see you soon!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Countrifried Oil - second distraction - plz vote!

Okay I've made a second animation for the wind energy competition, this one has a funny plot and I like it a lot! It's called "Countrifried Oil". Please come and vote for my newest submission by going here: If you signed up to vote for my first video than you only need to login to vote for my second. If you did not then just simply register, it's free and super easy! Afterwards you can vote for my animation. I need all the votes I can get as the number of votes determines who will win the ten thousand dollars! Don't worry this is my last submission to this contest! I would like to thank you all for your support!!! I couldn't do this without you!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Been distracted!

I've been doing a lot of animating lately. My most recent animation is a submission to a 10 thousand dollar contest for wind energy (for those of you who have been following my husbands cancer progress you can imagine how this money would help us). Please come vote for my video "Wind Makes the World Go Round" at the contest page by clicking here. Right away when you click my "vote" button, you will see a login area, you will need to register, but don't worry it is super easy! After that, you can vote for me! You should see the number change. Please tell your friends and family to vote too! I need all the votes I can get - it is the number of votes that will determine the winner!
I probably won't be crafting or sewing for a while yet as I am working on a second submission for this contest. I'll let you know when it is complete. My thanks and hugs to all!